Learn to Extract in Photoshop

extract in photoshop initial
Hey guys I am Somil and today in this tutorial I am going to show how to use the Magic Extractor featre in Photoshop i.e. How to Extract in Photoshop CS6. We have already discussed about How to Crop In Photoshop which is a must read tutorial if you would like to focus on specific areas of the image. In this tutorial we would be using a very simple technique to extract from images. We would be following the give process –> First we will use the quick selection tool –> Next is the refine edge technique–> Layer mask –> Lastly we will use the layer panel. The image we have chosen has a multicolored background since plain background are easier to extract. For a perfect selection you should use a pen tool available in Photoshop because of its flexibility, but since we would use the quick selection tool, we won’t have a perfect selection and extract.
Stock image: http://elandria.deviantart.com/art/Rievaulx-Abbey-Ind-Red-20-32701549
Initial image

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