Do’s and Don’ts to Keep in Mind While Donating Blood

14th June, the WORLD BLOOD DONATION witnessed the gathering of millions of blood donors at various blood camps across the globe. Blood donation is a noble cause that individual should indulge in at least once in a lifetime. We have taken birth on this planet to do something for others, the people in this world are very cynical, and the sense of selflessness is slowly fading away from this house of mankind. It is said that your virtues stay immortal even after your demise. So, turn on your humanity button and become an altruist by doing this virtuous deed of donating blood to the needy people.
People are always scared of donating blood because of the repercussions that blood donation might inflict upon them. But these perceptions in the mind of the people about blood donation are just myths and these myths are rife due to the lack of education among the people. According to the American Red Cross organization, there are about 108 million people who voluntarily donate blood worldwide. So, do you think these people are idiots to take the pain for donating blood? If such a large number of people can muster the strength to donate blood, then why can’t you? Ok! Are you still pondering over donating blood or not? Then what you need to know is the reason why you should donate blood to others. There are times when people are in dire need of blood, and the situations could be any – natural disasters, loss of blood due to severe accident or emergencies like childbirth. These are the hardships when people need someone to hold their hand and take them to the light of life. These are the situations when someone’s life is in danger, and your small contribution to blood donation can pull out that person from hell. There are also cases when people are not able to find blood groups that are rare in existence. So, your see your blood gives a ray of hope to many who are on the verge of dying. Your life is a gift of God, and your blood can become a gift of reincarnation to someone else’s life.
There are some do’s and don’ts that you need keep in mind before go for this enlightening social cause.
Are you eligible to donate?
- If you weigh 110 pounds or above 50 kg, then only you can give blood.
- You need to be at least 18 years of age. Parental permission is a must when a person is 16–17 years of age.
- If you are not physically fit or healthy, then you are not eligible to donate blood. If you have cold, cough or any other temporary ailment that requires you to take antibiotic, then abstain yourself from giving blood.
- After 56 days of blood donation, you become ready to go for another blood donation, if you wish to. Before 56 days, it is not recommended because the human body does not allow that.
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- If you have had any dental work in the past month, then do not donate blood because it might have an adverse effect on your health.
- The blood of any person infected with jaundice, typhoid or any chronic disease is not safe for donation.
- Pregnant ladies are not permitted to donate blood, and menstruating girls are not preferred for blood donation.
- Any patient with high blood pressure is not suitable for blood donation.
Preparing for the blood donation
Do’s –
When you have made up your mind to donate blood, then make sure you adhere to the following do’s and don’ts for the procedure:
- a) There are plenty of blood banks and centers across the globe. You should always check the authenticity of the center and then make an appointment.
- b) Make sure you pass the eligibility test of blood donation.
- c) It is always suggested to take a balanced diet before donating blood. Drink ample amount of water just before you donate blood.
- d) Check the hygienic standards of the centers, then only be 100% prepared for the donation. Don’t risk your hygiene.
Blood donation is a good cause, but this is a matter of your health as well and in this world where fake doctors and other cases of carelessness are prevalent, you need to take some precautions.
- a) The signs of anxiety like fainting and dizziness are normal before the donation. Don’t panic too much. Stay calm.
- b) If you find that the following facilities are not provided, then don’t donate blood at that particular center:
- The doctors are not wearing gloves.
- Syringes used being reused and are unclean.
- If you find that your blood is being misused, then leave the camp then and there.
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After the blood donation
Do’s –
- Eat well- The human body takes at least a day (24 hours) to remake the lost blood which accounts to 500ml or one unit. So, eat food items rich in iron content like spinach, fish, beans, etc. also Vitamin C in citrus fruits helps to boost the process of replenishment of blood in the body. This is the reason why you are served with apples and biscuits just after donation. So, consume fruits like oranges and other citrus supplements.
- Drink lots of fluids- Make sure that your body remains hydrated after you donate blood because that is essential for the quick nourishment of blood supply in the body. Drink fit juices and glucose–rich beverages.
- Relax- To rectify the dizziness raised in the body during the blood donation process, just sleep well.
- Don’t eat any snack after donation. It will slow down the metabolism of the body.
- Don’t try to do strenuous exercises just after the donation because it leads to physical exertion and the human body is not capable of any physical stress after the donation.
- Say no to smoking and alcohol after blood donation.
Blood donation camps are set up across the world, just be brave and donate blood. Once you donate blood the satisfaction you get afterward is priceless. Just do it once, you’ll love it. You’ll love yourself. Also, aware others about it too so that there is no shortage of blood donors and no one has to go empty handed when they go to any blood bank. Be the angel of someone’s life and get true Blessings in return.