10 Things you learn after Living Together Before Marriage

10 Things you learn after Living Together Before Marriage
Marriage supposedly is a life long commitment. Marriage asks for a lot of compromises and adjustments. Living together before marriage will make divorce rate less. If you can love and respect each other even after sharing responsibility and realizing that it’s not always going to be fun and frolic, there are chances that you will be in better position for your marriage.
Let’s find out 10 things you learn after living together before marriage:
1. Sharing Responsibility:
The most important aspect you learn after living together before marriage is about the nature of a person. You put your best foot forward when you are meeting for a couple of hours. Many times it happens that the other person is not at all ready to share the responsibility, whether it is household chores or finances. In this condition, it is better to delay the marriage until he is willing to share the responsibility.
2. Get to spend time together:
Living in gives you an opportunity, to spend your free time together. You can spend your holidays with each other, planning out things to do together. You can see your partner’s face before going to sleep, and after you wake up. These things will make you realize whether you want to spend rest of your life with your partner.
3. Controlling Finances:
One of the things you learn after living together before marriage is to control finances. If both of you are earning, it’s important to bifurcate the living expenses between each other. You also come to know that who is spendthrift and who is a miser and who is better at managing finances. Living together before marriage gives you a clear picture of how you can manage your finances.
4. Open communication:
Communication is a backbone of any marriage. Miscommunication can create a lot of trouble in happy married life. When you are living together before marriage, both of you learn to understand each other’s communication pattern. With time before a person says something, you come to know what they are trying to convey.
5. Get to learn more about your partner:
Living together before marriage allows you to know more about your partner. As all free time, you spend with each other, lot many anecdotes will come which you will have to share, like general opinions, political opinions, etc. How our partner behaves with his /her parents? What is his / her favorite pass time game, or whether he / she snores while sleeping, or does he / she has a problem of sleepwalking, or how are his / her Hygiene habits? You will learn so many new things about your partner after living together before marriage, which will help you in taking the decision of getting married.
6. No interference from in-laws:
A relationship in its early stage is fragile; you have to give time so that it becomes strong. Living together before marriage gives you that time without any interference from any side so that you make your memories together and make your bond stronger.
7. Compatibility:
One of the biggest advantages of living together before marriage is to know how compatible you both are to carry forward your relationship to marriage. You will come to know many irritating habits of your partner Like sleeping with TV on (this is the most common if the person was living alone), Maybe your partner is chronic in keeping the house dirty, and many weirder habits. If you can handle all these habits and can live together, then you can take the plunge to get married.
8. Can you agree to disagree?
As an individual, we all have a different temperament. There will be many things for which you both have different taste. Like you both have varied ideas for holidays outing, or say when buying furniture, you both choose different pieces. At this time, it is important to find out that can you agree to disagree?
9. Marriage thought won’t frighten you:
The best part of living together before marriage is that it will give a chance to know each other better. Looking around in today’s world when so many marriages are falling apart, and the divorce rate is increasing, you tend to get scared of getting married. But after spending so much time with each other, you both will be able to figure out that are you both ready to take this plunge? And the idea of getting married won’t be so intimidating.
10. Liberty to end the relationship without the stamp of divorce:
It might happen that after putting all the efforts, things are not working out the way both of you want. Here are some ways to facilitate a strong relationship.Living together before marriage will give you the liberty to end the relationship. Though it is hurtful and painful because you wanted it to work, after going through this experience; you know what you want from your life partner. In living in, there is no hassle of any legal bonds; there is no stigma of failed marriage. You both can take the decision peacefully to separate and go your ways.