10 Online Dating Mistakes you should stop doing right now

Love has taken a virtual form. Now you don’t have to find your soul mate around you when you can have him/her in any corner of this world. What I am talking about is online dating. Nowadays, people don’t consider it important to see the person in real life and the fall for him/her. They prefer to do it in a techno way. Online dating is very popular among the youth because they spend most of their time sitting on their desktops than actually socializing with real people. Dating someone online is the same as having dinner with a zombie. The only difference is that a zombie is a dead man, and your virtual partner is not. Your thoughts might not match with mine about online dating, but you’ll definitely agree with the below-mentioned mistakes that people commit while engaging in online dating:
Don’t start conversations with vague statements
Don’t begin a conversation with statements like “How are you and what do you do?” This sounds very naive. You must come up with some pick-up lines to catch the attention of your partner. You have to show your panache.
Don’t bore others with your elaborated descriptions
Stop using abbreviations while chatting and don’t extend your conversations. Be laconic and try to wrap up your words in fewer words as possible. Brevity is the key to explaining your thoughts in the most specific way online.
Nobody is interested to know your history
If you are going to tell about your 1st grade incident, or your drawing competition that you won when you were 13, then the doors of dating are closed for you. They are not just closed, they are latched. What you are and what you do at present is what matters to your date.
Don’t be an old school
You must ensure that you don’t present your image as that of an old fashioned person who has indulged in online dating just for the sake of being cool among others. Keep your profile simple and honest and don’t let anybody think that you are a mind-numbing piece.
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Write in an intellectual manner
Intellectual people are always respected by others. If you want to captivate your dating partner, then talk like a civilized person. You must not use abrupt statements or make illogical comments on someone’s profile. You have to show your thoughts through the power of your writing. Write meticulously.
Don’t give the vibes that you are too desperate
If you are curious to have a real life conversation with your online partner, then just ask him/her in a polite manner. Don’t give him/her an impression that you are too cheap and want to just run into him/her. So, be patient and make your choice.
Don’t do sex chat online
Talking dirty online is just not acceptable. You have to maintain decency to hold your reputation. Don’t let others think that you are a pervert. Have control on your filthy mouth and don’t let your hands write what your mouth says. Be selective in using words.
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Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not
You are on an online dating site, not in a masquerade ball where you are supposed to wear theme-based masks. People tend to fake their traits and pretend to be of high status, where in reality they are residents of a down market community. Don’t let your dating partner build your fake image because you will have to spill the beans once your partner places the wish of meeting you face to face.
Selfies clicked in the washroom – not acceptable
Your pictures constitute a parameter to judge you online. If your photographs are not appealing, then nobody is going to approach you. For that, you have to stop uploading your photos where you are posing with a pout and in the background what do you see? Washroom!!! That looks pathetic. Nobody is stopping you from clicking such selfies, but do you need to publicize them online? I don’t think so. Moreover, a person wants to date you and not your friends, so for God’s sake, abstain yourself from updating groufies.
Confirm that the guy or girl you are dating is actually of the gender you expect him/her to be
You might find it hilarious, but online dating isn’t fun at all. There have been fraud cases where the people found out that some people lied about their gender online and when the couple made plans to meet up in person, the person’s identity was busted. Do you want to be the victim of such situation where you expect to see a beauty waiting for you at the coffee shop and you get to see a man? Definitely not, unless you are a gay!!!
Be an Expert in Online Dating
Have you been through a rejection due to these mistakes? Or you are an expert at enticing people online with your flair? Whatever be your case, you need be cautious about the display of your profile on dating sites. If you want someone to like you, then you have to upload a killer profile to make them say “He/she is too good for me.” If you avoid making these mistakes, then you’ll definitely be a champion in winning dates in the wink of an eye. Play safe!
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