5 CBD Products For Beginners

If you’re new to the world of cannabis, you might not know that we humans produce cannabinoids in our bodies. Every living being with a vertebrate has an endocannabinoid system, which provides little soldiers that regulate homeostasis and maintain essential balance..
As we age, we start to lose these little soldiers, and our bodies stop producing them on their own. This is where our favorite plant comes in.
Cannabidiol, also known as CBD, is the chemical compound found in cannabis and hemp plants that offers a plethora of mental and physical health benefits. According to https://getcherrycbd.com/pages/cherry-faqs, it’s one of the 104 cannabinoids found in marijuana.
Today, there are so many products available featuring CBD – from coffee to soap. If you’ve never used cannabis, or maybe you’ve tried smoking a joint before and hated it, you may be hesitant to try all of the CBD products that have recently come on the market.
We’re here to help you get started. Don’t worry; you’re not going to become Snoop Dogg overnight. Unlike tetrahydrocannabinol or THC, there are no psychoactive effects. In other words, CBD doesn’t make you high.
In this article, we’ll go over five CBD products that are great for beginners. These products are natural and may help you with anxiety, chronic pain, and stress.
When CBD is extracted from a hemp or cannabis plant, the result is a thick and resinous oil. This is then mixed with coconut, olive, or hemp oil to make tinctures. The added healthy fats make it easier for your body to process the compound.
You can take these tinctures with a dropper directly into your mouth. If you’re not a fan of the taste, add it to coffee or even food.
Since CBD tinctures are very discreet, they’re the top option for cannabis patients who require subtle dosages throughout the day.
CBD is also available in a variety of skincare products. You can purchase infused salves and creams that are applied directly to the skin.
Topical CBD is best for patients who are seeking anti-inflammatory effects or pain relief.
No matter their concentration of CBD or THC, topicals are completely non-psychoactive. These products are ideal for those who suffer from muscle aches or arthritic joint pain.
For those who want an easy and tasty way to digest CBD, you’ll want to consider edibles. You can find something to suit almost every flavor. You can find infused raw honey, gumdrops, coffee, tea, and even delicious chocolates. Amongst all of these, the best are the CBD gummies specially from the UK
The benefit of edibles is that they break down slowly in the digestive system, so the compound is released gradually and over an extended period of time. This means that you can experience the effects for longer.
You can either buy full-spectrum or isolate edibles. The former contains the whole extract from the hemp plant, while the latter contains pure CBD.
Eating CBD is an effective way to keep track of your dosage easily. Take them on the go and find what suits your taste from candy to protein bars.
Inhaling CBD through a vaporizer will allow you to feel the effects instantly. Vaping tends to be a cleaner method of inhaling. This is one of the most popular ways of consuming the cannabis compound.
Vaping is equally as effective as smoking and is much safer. You can find vapes of many shapes and forms, and some are more discreet than others.
CBD Cigarettes
If you’re someone who’s trying to quit smoking cigarettes, consider CBD based alternatives.
Anyone who’s ever tried knows that quitting a nicotine addiction is incredibly difficult. One way to make it more fun and a little bit easier are to switch to pre-rolled CBD cigarettes. A 2013 study found that CBD users have cut cigarette intake by 40%.
A Final Note
CBD can reduce social anxiety, inflammation, and it creates a calming feeling for many people without any disassociation or euphoric side effects. By taking advantage of the vast array of products available, you’ll be able to take control of your health and reap all of the proven health and wellness benefits of this natural botanical compound.