8 Best Exercises for Joint Pain Relief

If you suffer from joint pain, there’s a good chance that it can affect your quality of life tremendously. Joint sufferers have difficulty sleeping, and the discomfort can often make it difficult to carry out daily tasks. Supplements for joint pain can help relieve pain, stiffness, and other symptoms. There are pain killers and other medications that a doctor can prescribe. However, there are also some more organic, lifestyle-based solutions.
Some of the best tips for healthy joints include maintaining an average weight, using hot and cold compresses, eating foods rich in anti-inflammatory properties, and doing low-impact exercises regularly.
Working out strengthens the muscles that support the joints and cartilage and restores flexibility and mobility. It’s frequently recommended for people who suffer from arthritis. An article in the Journal of Aging Research examined the benefits of exercise in rheumatoid arthritis.
According to Harvard Health Publishing, carrying out a routine of joint strengthening exercises can be so effective; it can allow you to postpone getting surgery. Of course, there are other benefits to exercise, which can also improve your joints. It could enhance your immunity, help you lose weight, and lower your stress levels. Exercise can also support a healthy heart and mind.
It’s important to be careful about the type of exercise for joint pain that you choose. The best workout involves low-impact sets that build up the muscles without exacerbating your symptoms. Let’s look at the 8 best joint pain exercises in detail, so you can plan your workout.
The Top 8 Joint Pain Exercises
If you do these exercises and others regularly, they can reduce your pain and inflammation, decrease stiffness, and bring back your flexibility and mobility. Exercise also has other benefits like improving mood and helping to manage your weight.
It’s important to begin and end every exercise session with stretches to prepare and then wind down your muscles after a workout. Stretches can improve your flexibility and mobility and increase your range of motion. You should begin by walking in place, and then do stretches for each of the groups of muscles you’re going to exercise, repeating them several times. There are stretches for each muscle, but here are some examples:
- Wrist Stretch: Towel Squeeze. Take a small rolled-up towel or a spongeinto one of your hands and squeeze it, holding for 5 seconds and then relaxing. Do this 10 to 15 times for both hands.
- Chest and Shoulder: Corner Stretch. Stand 2 feet away from a corner or open doorway. Put your hands on either side of it, at shoulder length. Then bend your elbows and lean into the doorway/corner. Hold for 30 seconds. Do this 2 or 3 times to stretch your shoulders and chest.
Other exercises help you build up muscles to strengthen the joints. Leg exercises support the knees, which are often affected by joint pain.
- Straight Leg Raise. Start by lying on the floor on your back, supporting your upper body with your elbows. Then bend your left knee and keep your foot flat on the floor. Your right leg should be straight with your toes pointed upwards.
Tighten your thigh muscle and raise your right leg in the air. Hold it for 3 seconds, and then lower it to the ground. Carry out 2 sets of 10 repetitions, and then switch legs.
- Half Squat. This exercise helps support the knees, and over time, it can lessen knee pain. Begin by standing up with your legs shoulder-distance apart. Hold your arms out straight in front of you. Bend your knees downwards until you get to a sitting position, keeping your back and chest lifted.
Keep your feet flat on the floor. Now hold the position for 5 seconds before slowly standing up straight again. Start with 10 repetitions and work up to 3 sets of 10.
- Water Walking. There’s evidence that exercising in water, such as water aerobics, can have a significant impact on joint pain and function. A 16-week study in the American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitationfound that aquatic exercises in women with rheumatoid arthritis improved pain and function.
To do water walking, begin by standing in water that is waist or chest high. Walk forward 10 or 20 steps, then do the same thing walking backward. Repeat several times, picking up speed to build resistance.
- Forward Lunge in Water. Stand up in water that is chest or waist high and take a big lunge with one of your legs. The knee of the leg you lunged with should not go past your knees. Move it back to the original position and then lunge with the other leg. Try to work up to 10 repetitions for each leg. This exercise should help with leg and knee pain and function.
- Forward Arm Reaches. This exercise supports the functioning of the shoulders and arms. You can begin by either sitting down or standing. Keep your arms at your side with your elbows bent and your thumbs pointing towards your shoulders. Now, lift your arms above your head and stretch them. Lower them back to the start position. Try to do a few each time, working your way up to 10 sets.
- Walking is one of the best aerobic exercises you can do both in general and for arthritis. It’s low impact, so it’s not harmful to the joints. It can help you burn calories and lose weight, which improves functioning in joint pain sufferers.
Walking strengthens the muscles, which support joint function. A study in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine found that one hour a week of walking led to improved daily functioning in people with osteoarthritis.
Joint Pain Supplements
Are you looking for a natural solution to ease your joint pain? If so, you should consider an organic joint relief supplement like Relief Factor. It’s rich in anti-inflammatory properties, which can reduce your pain and swelling, and antioxidants that repair damage to the joints and cartilage. The supplement works on 4 different metabolic pathways to provide relief.
One of the best tips for healthy joints is that supplements can do a lot to restore your flexibility and mobility, which will make exercising much easier and more comfortable. Research several brands to find the right product for you.
Joint pain can have a devastating impact on daily life without any kind of treatment plan. Many people think that pain medications are the only solution to this problem, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. There are practical solutions like hot and cold compresses and lifestyle solutions like eating more omega-3 fatty acids and doing exercise for joint pain.
Exercising is essential if you have joint pain, as it will strengthen the muscles surrounding them and improve functioning. A 12-week study in the Journal of Osteoporosis concluded that exercise reduced pain significantly, improving joint function and elevating the quality of life.
Along with your new exercise routine, you may consider taking joint pain supplements to help with your symptoms. These products are designed to reduce inflammation and decrease pain using organic ingredients.
Relief Factor is one of the joint pain products on the market, and the reviewers were mostly happy with the results. Whichever supplement you choose, see a doctor before you begin taking them and get medical approval.
Try the exercise for joint pain routines we have suggested, as they are all low impact and should be ideal for decreasing your pain and improving your life. In a few weeks, your body should feel very different, and much more comfortable.