10 Hot Ways To Masturbate For Women

Women masturbation is not openly talked about, but there are many techniques which women use to masturbate. Female masturbating is all about having an orgasm alone. There are many masturbating techniques used by the women who want to have fun. Woman masturbation is not talked about openly because sometimes it becomes very uncomfortable and embarrassing for the women. Only 60% women in the world admit that they masturbate and talk freely about it. Masturbation is also a good way to explore how and where you like to be touched and makes you enjoy the sex. Here are 10 hot ways to masturbate for women.
Use an object
You can use an object to have vaginal penetration. There are many objects like dildos or vibrators available which can be used for masturbating. These objects give you a sensational effect and make you enjoy the masturbation. It is a very hot way to masturbate. Using a dildo or a vibrator is the most common ways for masturbating, but it helps in giving a lot of pleasure here is the most rated product for vibrators click to see.
Shower head
Women have been using shower head for masturbating for decades. The running water gives a wonderful feeling. All you need to do is have a faucet that has a movement so that you can let the water flow freely on your vagina. It is one of the hot ways to masturbate. Try it!
Squeezing your vagina is one of the hot ways to masturbate. Keep squeezing you vagina from the top, and it will start giving you pleasure without being uncomfortable. You can also imagine things while doing this squeezing technique as it will give more pleasure and sensations to you. Squeezing your vagina sends a lot of sensations through your whole body.
It is one of the most hot ways to masturbate and is commonly used by many girls. You can rub your fingers in your vagina. You can either do this while lying down or while sitting. Use your hands to stimulate your clitoris and the area around it as it will give you the pleasure. You can make circular movements with your hands as it will give you the best sensations and orgasm.
You can fill your bathtub with hot water and put some fragrance in it. Now sprinkle the hot water on various parts of your body. It will give you the nerve sensations in your whole body. You can also rub your legs against each other to get more pleasure. It is one of the most hot ways to masturbate. You can also splash water on your vagina and rub your hands around it. You can also make some movements in the water to stimulate your clitoris. Try this!
Electric toothbrush
An electric toothbrush is known for its sensation, and it is one the most hot ways to masturbate. An electric toothbrush has a different vibrator which gives a lot of pleasure to you. The tip of the brush adds more sensations in your body. Move the toothbrush all around your clitoris and keep doing it for some time. You will feel the pleasure.
If everything else bores you, then there is porn. Watch some porn videos, and you will find some pleasure in it. Watching porn will turn you on, and it will also give you some good sensations. Porn will also help you in masturbating in all the better ways.
Most women masturbate in the pool, and it is one of the hot ways to masturbate. You can spread your legs as wide as possible and position yourself in a warm pool. Then you can slowly start the stimulation to get into orgasm. Water will always give you pleasure ladies.
Use lube
You can also use lube to masturbate. It is a lubricant which is used during sexual intercourse. It becomes easier to orgasm with lube. As they say, the wetter the better! The lubricant will add a realistic effect to your self-loving time.
You can use your imagination to masturbate as you can create your own hot ways to masturbate. Read or watch something erotic and then use your imaginations to masturbate. You can also switch positions and try using different positions with better masturbating styles. While imagining yourself having an orgasm you can also start rubbing or massaging your vagina, or you can just play around to make yourself feel more aroused. You can masturbate as much as you want to while using your imagination here are some amazing products reviews which you may use click to see.