10 Effective Ways To Treat Split Ends

Girls who use curling irons,straighteners or hair products, struggle the most with this never ending battle of split ends.
It doesn’t matter how you get split ends; they just refuse to go away. And to get rid of them, we have to snip it off. But when you love your length you again go for hair products. It may treat the damage temporarily, but its effectiveness is vague, and besides, they take away the natural texture of our hair; so it is better to avoid them.
Below we present some effective ways that will help you treat your split ends
We are not asking you to compromise with your hygiene. Of course, the shower is very important. However, you don’t need to wash your hair daily. Once in a while just put a shower cap on and have a body shower; it is actually very healthy for your hair. Wash your hair every other day; this will allow the hair to fix things with its natural oils. This will make your hair silky, smooth, and healthy.
Pick your hair brush wisely- for regular use, go for a cushioned paddle brush that has flexible bristles. This will detangle your hair easily. Hard plastic brushes are not a good choice for normal use as they will tug and split your hair apart if used on a knotted hair creating split ends. Now, how you brush your hair also reflects its health. Don’t just tug your hair from root to tip in just one go. Doing this will push nominal crisscross into a messy clump at the ends of your hair.
Never bundle all your hair in a pile and start scrubbing. This rubbing will be resulting in split ends. Simply let your hair hang down and lather shampoo onto the scalp. Don’t put shampoo on the ends. And use a gentle shampoo.
Instead of shampoo, use conditioner at the end. Always use it. Apply conditioner to the ends and give it a minute or so to soak in. But don’t rinse off the conditioner dry. Keep a little there as it will keep the end moisturized for a longer period.
Never scrub and rub your hair with the towel all through your hair. This will make the hair more tangled, thus promoting breakage and split ends. You can just wrap the towel around your hair and squeeze out the moisture from different areas.
As you must already know, that wet hair is more prone to damage. However, sometimes we need to brush it wet when we are incorporating certain hair styles. So, when you have to brush it wet, use a wide-tooth comb rather than a normal brush. The wide-toothed brush will gently slide through hair and loosely work with the locks of your hair preventing as much split ends.
When you are blow drying, make sure you avoid placing the tool at hair ends until it is necessary. Let the roots and upper lengths of the hair dry, then go for drying the ends. However, make sure you use less heating appliances on your hair as they cause maximum breakage and split ends.
When you are straightening, go for a brush to guide your hair. Pick a portion of your hair, run a comb along the length then follow with your straightener. This will allow you to have an even straightening and will reduce the risk of breakages and split ends.
When you are curling your hair, do not start from the bottom, instead take it from the root. When you start at the bottom, this means your hair ends are facing maximum heat which will increase the chances of split ends. On the other hand, when you go from roots to end, your hair ends are last to receive the heat.
When all your hopes are lost, then instead of going for more chemical products, go for trimming. Trimming of split ends helps in hair growth. Trimming retains most of your length, and only a small unhealthy portion of hair is eliminated. No matter what, you will need a trim at some point to treat split ends.
Your hair is a beautiful part of you, and you need to take care of it. Split ends mostly occur because of our silly little habits. Make sure from now on you treat your hair with extra care and affection. And yes get your haircuts regularly. If you want longer hair, you need to get them regularly cut to facilitate growth.