Why wearing high-quality helmets should be a new trend?

The truth of somebody wishing to wear a helmet arises from the need of avoiding a ticket and not looking out for one’s safety. If set free from the boundation of law and order, we humans just might go rogue about not following the traffic rules.
Although, not taking away anything from the folks who do follow the traffic rules accordingly.
In all honesty, especially bikers are the ones who are at the maximum proximity of risk while driving. The bikes are driven at a considerable speed which can be disastrous for anyone if a collision occurs. And most importantly you can’t take a guarantee of someone else’s driving skills. You might have the utmost faith on yourself but a busy highway full of high-speed vehicles won’t care much about you.
A biker who got severely hit in an accident might not die if his body parts below the face get damaged, but he would surely die if he gets hits near his head, face, and eyes. These are the most delicate organs of a human body which bikers often ignore. So the next time you see anything related to motorcycle helmets for sale, just goddamn buy one. Seriously buy one.
If all of this didn’t convince you, I have got more arguments to convince all you guys.
Road Accidents have started to become a significant issue when it comes to public health
A World Health Organization report clearly mentions in its report that approximately 1.2 million people around the world die from road crashes or have left them with lifetime injuries and disabilities.
No matter what a biker does for his protection for his lower body, he will always be at risk of being vulnerable to collisions.
The point here is that you are at less risk if you can avoid head injuries. And the only way to do that is by wearing high-quality helmets.
According to the World Health Organisation, head injuries are the most prominent cause of building disabilities.
The Bike Sales
The bikes are being sold at an unprecedented level everywhere around the world. Bikes today are not just a mode of transportation but also a source for doing something recreational. It is indeed true. We all love Tom Cruise riding one in his blockbuster “Mission Impossible” movie series. The entire film would definitely feel incomplete if Ethan Hunt doesn’t perform at least one heroic stunt with his bike.
Although, I would agree that the introduction of sports bike did encourage the wearing of helmets and that too happened because there was another range of helmets manufactured to attract customers. Such well thought ideas led to a situation of vast motorcycle helmets for sale.
The ones who couldn’t afford the expensive sports bike or if their parents didn’t allow them; resulted in a massive demand for bike modifications. Everybody wanted to experience the adrenaline rush of riding such a bike. Men love it. I guess Honda saw a massive increase in their bottom line due to sales of the Honda bike parts. We all witnessed the trend where guys would do something different to their original bike by either installing a new bike part or somehow managed to change the look of the bike.
But a thousand trends may come and go but there is one trend that should never leave the limelight, and that is of wearing helmets. No matter what, we all should keep this trend alive to save lives and avoid any unfortunate mishappenings.
So again, the next time you see anything related to motorcycle helmets for sale, just goddamn buy one. Seriously buy one.