How to stop yourself from moving too fast in the relationship?

How to stop yourself from moving too fast in the relationship
Sometimes you can’t say your partner that they are running too fast in their relationship whether it is emotionally or physically. Today the present generation wants to do everything quickly whether it’s their work or relationship. A relationship is a bond between two people which takes time to come out with flying colors and we try to take fast steps then sometimes we to face problems. Here I’m providing you some tips which will help you to slow down your relationship.
Speak with your partner
First thing you have to do is speak with your partner and tell him honestly what you are feeling. Discuss with him or her regarding what makes you uncomfortable. Don’t do things you are not comfortable in.Before expressing your feelings ensure that he or she does not take it otherwise and tell them that you are interested in this relationship but you want things to move slowly. Making things clear from day 1 will help you in long term. This is one of the ways to facilitate a strong relationship.This will make your relationship less complicated and healthy. Try to develop mutual understanding as both of you must be having different expectations. At times, your partner doesn’t even realize that they are making you uncomfortable so it’s better to have good interaction. Don’t force it until and unless you guys can see eye to eye. May be your partner is not ready to make out as he or she is not so open with you so don’t force. Let the feelings develop slowly and let things go with the flow. It is not fair to force your partner into something they are not interested. Try to make changes in the way you talk about relationship and give some time to your partner may be he or she needs some time and space.
Go slow
To slow down your relationship try to find out the problems. Find out the things that make you uncomfortable and find a way to deal with them. Bring changes in the way you respond to your partner. If your partner is in a mood to cuddle with you in bedroom, then stay from the room and tell your partner that you want to take it slow. Don’t just do things just because your partner wants. Try to commit only for those plans that you can keep. If you are not sure that you will be able to make changes and turn things to be in a good way, then clearly tell it to your partner. Try to manage the comfort zone of you and your partner.
Reflect on how you feel about them
If you want to slow down your relationship it is important to reflect on your feelings for them. Talk with yourself as a person is a self-best friend and you are the person who will come out with the best solutions to every problem. If you come with the answer that your partner and your relationship really matters to you then don’t get affected and let things flow naturally.
Stay away for some time
Staying away from each other is the best way to slow your too fast relationship. During this period you will not only slow down your relationship but will also get time to reflect on your bond and introspect on your feelings.