10 Ways That Could Work As A Snoring Aid

Often snoring is shown in a funny way, but in actual, it is very embarrassing, especially when it is regular. It results in poor sleep for the person who is snoring and whoever is sleeping next to him/her.
The reason of snoring is the relaxation of your muscles in the soft palate, throat, and tongue. The tissues get so relaxed that they block the airway and vibrate as air moves past. The narrower the airway, the more intense vibration, consequently louder the snore.
There are a number of reasons why a person snores and they all are treated differently. But some basic snoring remedies can help all. Below are such cures that will help you stop snoring.
If you sleep in a room with dry air, it could be a possible reason for your snoring. Dry air dries your throat and nasal and results in congestion. This restricts the air movement and leads to vibration of tissues. You can treat this by two ways. First, you can buy a humidifier, and second, you can move to someplace that is appropriate for you.
If you are suffering from obesity, then it could be a possible reason for your snoring. It is worse when you are overweight as you have more tissues that contribute to the noise. The more it blocks your throat, more it restricts the air flow and causes snoring.
Raising your head of your bench ( about 4 inches) will prevent the tongue from falling back, and it will avoid the blocking of the throat and will help in opening up the airway and this way will work as a snoring aid. Just pop few wood blocks under the feet of your bed till it is 4 inches high. Make sure that the wooden blocks are of the same size to keep the bed steady.
Allergens such as dust, pollen, animal dander, and other irritants could also be the cause of irritation in the airways and result in snoring. So make sure your surrounding is as dust free as possible. Also, change the air filters on a regular basis.
You can find some herbal pills that will work as a snoring aid. They have natural enzymes that are aimed to cure nasal congestion and reduce snoring. However, we are not sure about how effective they are, but, you can look into it.
Keeping your head a little high can help in opening up the airways and helps in easy breathing. However, do no elevate your head too high, as it could constrict the airway and lead to snoring. Put your head on a thick pillow or use multiple pillows, according to the height. Find a pillow that keeps your head and neck in a proper direction as it will help in breathing right. This is an effective snoring aid for those who is suffering from mild snoring.
Pranayam is a yoga exercise that helps in breathing right. You take slow deep breaths and get the oxygen around you. It also improves blood circulation and also helpful in relaxation. Pranayam is great to cure many sleep disorders. Get yourself in a class or practice at home to reduce and cure snoring. This is a natural and relaxing snoring aid.
Strengthening the muscles of your throat and tongue can be helpful snoring aid. This will help because strong muscles will prevent your tongue from droopily falling back when you rest. We find snoring in old people more because their muscles have the lesser elasticity which can easily restrict their airways. There are many exercises that will help you strengthen your tongue and throat muscle. One of them is, stick out lower jaw over upper jaw with your teeth showing. Count to 10 and repeat this 5-10 times.
This is the solution to many health problems and it is effective snoring aid as well. Avoid taking alcohol or sedative two hours before bedtime. They tend to relax throat tissues making it block the airways and resulting in snoring.
Changing your current sleeping position can be a useful snoring aid. If you lie straight, then try sleeping on your side. This will prevent the tongue from falling back and restricting the airways. Use a pillow to prevent rolling back during the night.
Snoring is a tricky health condition as it doesn’t come with an exact cure. If you want to stop your snoring, then you have to make some changes in your lifestyle. Above were few snoring remedies that would help you in reducing and stopping the snoring. Try and figure out the cause behind your snoring and then use the most effective snoring aid.