10 Strategies to Avoid People You Do Not Like

10 Strategies to Avoid People You Don’t Like
There are certain people in your life who tend to get on your nerve and hence irritate you a lot. Whenever these people meet you, they question your motives or would crack some silly jokes at which they expect you to laugh. People like this exist in everyone’s little world and people either tend to bear with them, or they tend to avoid them.
Today we discuss few ways in which you can actually avoid these types of people.
Switch to a different location
In case you cannot stand a person at all then try changing your work or school environment and push these people out of your life. Try to get hold of any other place or any other cabin where you can work and would not be seeing that person in your life. In case you are in school then you probably can consider switching class or to be specific your section.
Don’t let your eyes meet
In spite of you being super careful, there would be times when the person you had been avoiding for quite a while suddenly comes to your face and is about to start a conversation. Therefore in such situations try to avoid making any sort of direct eye contact. In this way you would be saved from the boring or negative conversation that the irritating guy was about to start.
Remove them from your address book
Block the E-mails and other options of them reaching them out to you. Remove such people from your address book and put their mail id’s in the spam folder so that they aren’t able to reach you. You can straightforwardly delete their message, or you can save them in a folder in case you want it to use it later against them.
Don’t try and Get in touch with the person
Yes once that you have decided to avoid a person then don’t ever bother calling them or texting them in any way. This would only lead to unwanted conversation and with time might turn into something serious.
Loosen All the Social Media Connections
Social Media has lately become a source that binds us all together. Therefore in order to remove someone from your life, you need to make sure that you don’t have any contact with them. Unfriend them on Facebook, unfollow them on Instagram and prevent them from connecting to you through any of the other social media platforms. Make sure that all your security options are in place and that now you have blocked that person from being a part of your social media profile.
Avoid Any Form of Communication from their End
Once that you decide that you want to avoid a person the next step should be to leave behind anything that is attached to that person. Those people might try to get in touch with you or even present you with enticing texts, but stay strong and don’t respond in any way possible. Always remember silence is the best form of defense that you can practice.
Choose Different Paths
Now that you know a person for quite a while he might also know which ways you travel and how possibly you reach your destination. Therefore in case you aren’t responding to their calls and texts they may feel like they should meet you at some place common. Therefore in order to encounter them, en-route to your destination, try switching paths and reach out to your destination through some other route or some other ways. In case you are seeing that person is coming to your direction then you can simply switch paths which would save you that annoying convo he was about to start.
Pull in Your Friends to Help
After all, what are friends for? Explain to your friends that you need to stay away from the person as he/she tends to irritate you a lot. This way your friends would always be on the lookout for the guy and would tell you in case they see him reaching out to you. They may also work as a great distraction and hence in this way can provide you a window for slipping out from the scene.
Practice Some Simple Sudden Attack Tricks
In case you saw that the person you dislike is reaching out to you, then there are some quick things that you can do. You can reach out to your pocket pull out the phone and pretend as if it is a very important phone call and you have to take it right now. Or if you are stuck in a conversation with that irritating person then statements such as “Oh my God, I left my notebook in class” would be sufficient to get you out.
Plan Your Day Wisely
In case you know that a particular person is supposed to be at the gym the time you also plan on going then switch timetables. You can for an hour or later finish the task which you were planning to do after coming from the gym. This way all you work would be finished while at the same time you would be able to dodge that person away from your life. Similarly, make a different schedule for each time you think you are going to encounter that person.
So, no worries now right pal? Now you have plenty of ideas to avoid a person who is like the only thorn in your life.