Five Things to Keep in Mind When Choosing the Engagement Ring

Five Things in Mind Choose the Engagement Ring
Aside from being beautiful and leaving you speechless, there are a few things you should know before you go shopping for an engagement ring. One is to always try to have the advice of a person close to the bride, preferably a female figure (although not necessarily), especially if we are not very skilled in the art of jewelry. The others are technical definitions, nuances that help us to know what type of piece we are buying from engagement ring website, and which serve both to indicate their value and to have an idea of the kind of ring we want to acquire.
These are the five key questions for future boyfriends in search of a ring.
1. What type of stone should I choose?
The diamonds are traditionally the most popular stone, so it is important to know the different gradations and categories. The value of a diamond is determined by its weight (carats) and its quality (color, clarity, and cut), popularly known as the four ‘C’.
Carat (from carat, in English) – It is the most important question of all that we can ask the jeweler. The more carats, the heavier the ring: a carat is equivalent to one-fifth of a gram.
Color – The color of the diamonds are classified from D (white) to Z (colorless).
Clarity– The imperfections of a diamond can be classified into up to ten categories. Flawless diamonds are the clearest, while those at the opposite end of the classification are the ones with the least clarity, and also the cheapest ones.
Cut – The term refers to the proportions of diamond, symmetry and polish, and has to do with the way in which the diamond reflects and refracts light. That is, the brightness it emits. A stone with a bad cut shines less than another with a perfect cut.
Although diamond is the most popular stone, colored gems also have their public, especially sapphires, which have gained great popularity in recent years. Sapphires are found in yellow, pink or blue, like the popular engagement ring, which had previously belonged to Diana of Wales.
2. How should the design be?
Design and style are two very subjective terms, and it is important to know the first (the style of the bride) to decide on the second (the design of the ring), especially if we take into account that this piece is not for single use, but that both the set and the stone must remain faithful to the style of women for many years.
The most important decision: the multiplicity of stones, either unique (solitary) or accompanied by other gems, almost always diamonds, or brilliant cut diamonds. Consider the bride’s tastes in terms of art, fashion or architecture, and identify possible historical periods They can match the style of the ring, like one of classic style, vintage, a twenties style or art-deco.
3. What types of a band are there?
The three most popular options when choosing the material in which the stones will be set are gold, platinum (white gold) and silver. However, there are other more sustainable alternatives, such as fair trade gold or recycled metal rings, based on cast old gold, which help offset gold and silver mining, and its consequent social and environmental impact.
4. How much should I spend?
This question has a simple answer: as much as you want or can afford. Practically all jewelry stores today have a wide range of prices, with precious rings within any of the ranges of the catalog. Listen to the jeweler’s advice, but once you determine a budget, stay true to it.
5. Where do diamonds come from?
Unfortunately, not all diamonds have an equally just origin: before buying, I demand an official certification that determines where and in what circumstances the stone was extracted.